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Monday, July 2, 2018

Things to Do Every Day

I have always been a list maker. (Well, ever since high school when our math teacher, Ben Meske, trained us to use lists.) A list keeps you accountable. Additionally, there is a degree of satisfaction when you actually cross an item off the list!

Recently, I decided to start a list for things I want to accomplish every single day. It's been a great tool and I find that I'm able to get more things accomplished, more projects finished and feel more satisfied with how my time is spent when I'm using this list!

So here is my list for reference. I found 10 things that I want to try to accomplish every single day. You may want to add or delete an item, but as you'll see it's pretty general and pretty universal; in a nutshell, it's pretty practical!


Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Mass
This is number one on the list because it is the most important. It's important enough that it probably shouldn't even have to be on a list. But here it is so it won't be forgotten.

Clean and/or Organize: 

Everyday housework comes first
I am a terrible house cleaner so this one has to be on my list. It's almost magical how often I can go a whole day without really doing housework! Sometimes, just getting the kitchen cleaned up good constitutes checking this off the list.


It all counts!
Everyone knows that exercise needs to be on the list. If you don't plan for it (and sometimes even when you do have a plan for it) it won't happen. This item can sometimes be combined with another category. For example, a huge cleaning project might also be considered exercise! If you have a step tracker you might want to set a minimum for each day.


Business job and volunteer jobs
As a business owner with a lot of flexibility, (read: I procrastinate a lot) it's sometimes important to have this on the list. On days when work isn't too demanding, I check in with one or more employees by calling or sending an encouraging email. The daily reminder to do some sort of work boosts productivity and moral... for my associates and for me as well.

Reach Out: 

Write a letter, send a text or email, call, visit
Someone out there needs to you - or at least needs to hear from you. Don't put it off. Reaching out can be as minor as sending a sick friend a text, or as monumental as planning a party in someone's honor. Your effort at connecting with other people helps them and you! You bring meaning to your own life by living out Christ's command to love others as you love yourself.
This is a good one to combine with other categories as well. For example if you hike with a friend it counts as Reaching Out and Exercise!


Paint, sew, play music, garden, write
Don't leave this one off the list; it's that important. Young parents might be creating art with their toddler but nonetheless, it is creating! A splendid meal that you prepare can be a creation. If you aren't creating something good and beautiful (almost) everyday, you aren't living life to it's fullest! Trust me, the satisfaction you'll reap from incorporating this into your daily routine with be worth all the effort.


"Leaders are readers!" Dave Ramsey
I know, sometimes there just isn't time for reading... well, "boo hoo." Just do it! You don't have to finish a Jane Austen novel every week to count this task as complete. Set a minimum amount of time (or pages) and squeeze it in right before bed if you have to. I read a lot at bedtime and it actually gets me in bed and asleep sooner than not. You'll be smarter, braver and happier the more you read. (Need I add here that the book selections you make do matter? Garbage in, garbage out... nuf said.)


2 quarts water per day
This one is so important for your health. Days that you drink adequate quantities of water are so much better than when you try to function in a dehydrated state. Generally, you need to consume 1/2 your body weight in ounces everyday. Try starting with a full quart of water when you first wake up - before coffee or tea or breakfast.

Love Your Spouse:

Do something, say something or give something just to make them feel appreciated, loved, respected
Being conscious about doing something nice or offering a compliment to the person you live with can make a big difference in a relationship. Again, it probably shouldn't need to be on a list, but by giving it priority every single day, you'll be surprised at how much more often it actually happens!

Express Gratitude

So this one came later than the others but every day I try to count my blessings! This one is simple to combine with other daily goals. Perhaps I send a heartfelt thank you letter to a friend so it doubles as reaching out. Sometimes I run through a long list in my heart thanking God for all he has bestowed on me so it counts as prayer too! And sometimes I tell my husband how thankful I am for him or something he has done. Get the picture? Even though it combines well into other daily tasks, I find that if I'm not intentional about expressing gratitude it may not happen often enough!


That's it! Keep your list practical and don't fret if you don't check everything off every day! I found that the Google app called "Keep" is great for this list. It's on my phone and at the start of each day I can go in and uncheck all the items to begin again fresh!